What is health screening?

Health screening is an assessment for identifying people who may have an increased risk of a particular condition or disease.

How could pharmacists support health screening?

Pharmacists could base on individuals’ physical examination (e.g. weight, height, blood pressure and pulse), review their medical, surgical and family history, as well as recent and relevant laboratory test results. Signs/symptoms assessment and management, lifestyle assessment and education on possible changes would be performed by pharmacists, followed by discussion of possible diagnosis and treatment options and appropriate referral if applicable.

Image courtesy of Health In Action Community Pharmacy via http://www.hia.org.hk/pharmacy/en/home-2/


To support the appropriate use of self-diagnostic kits:

Pharmacists would counsel individuals on the usage of self-diagnostic kits, e.g. blood glucose monitors and blood pressure monitors, recommend optimal range of test results, and give personalized suggestions on lifestyle changes for staying healthy.

To raise cancer awareness:

Signs/symptoms of cancer are difficult to differentiate from that of other common medical conditions. During the assessment and consultation, pharmacists would observe, detect and assess individuals on those signs/symptoms and refer suspected cases to other health providers.

Service targets

This service targets the general public, especially those who have family history of certain diseases or conditions and their caregivers.

Service aims and objectives

  • To assess individuals’ health risk and establish early detection and intervention for chronic or serious conditions/diseases (e.g. cardiovascular diseases, stroke and diabetes).
  • To support individuals to build good understanding of their health condition and the ability to make their own decision to achieve better health outcomes.
  • To encourage community involvement in health management and support efficient use of public health resources.
  • To reduce public health financial burden including social cost of lifetime health-related support, resources and services.

Expected outcomes

Individuals would understand the current health condition of themselves and their family and be aware of their potential ability to make better decisions on health-related issues to achieve better health outcomes.