甚麼是輕微疾病管理 (俗稱小病小痛管理)?
輕微疾病 (俗稱小病小痛) 凡指症狀相對較輕的情況,一般可以透過非處方藥物及其他健康管理方法去應對,並在社區藥劑師的支援下,提供專業可靠的醫療健康意見。小病小痛的常見例子包括:
分類 | 例子 |
上呼吸道感染 | 發燒、頭痛、喉嚨痛、咳嗽、流鼻水、鼻塞 |
腸胃問題 | 飽飽滯滯、火燒心、胃氣、胃酸倒流、便秘、肚瀉、痔瘡 |
眼睛問題 | 眼乾、紅眼、眼瘡、眼痕、眼挑針 |
口腔問題 | 生痱滋、牙肉痛、唇瘡 |
皮膚問題 | 香港腳、體癬、灰甲、濕疹、雞眼、暗瘡、主婦手、蚊叮蟲咬、皮膚乾燥、頭皮問題 |
一般痛症 | 背痛、關節痛、膝痛、肩頸痛 |
社區藥房能提供適時 (Timely)、易於可及 (Easily Accessible) 和易於負擔 (Affordable) 的小病小痛管理服務,一方面設有社區藥劑師當值,另一方面能供應非處方藥物,及時回應大眾的健康需要。
- 藥劑師會向病人了解身體不適的情況,例如症狀、持續時間、疾病史、生活習慣
- 若症狀涉及嚴重、複雜的病患,藥劑師會建議病人求醫,以獲得進一步的診斷和治療
- 若情況屬輕微,按照病人健康狀況和症狀,藥劑師會提供個人化建議,包括選擇合適的藥物來舒緩症狀、生活細節的改變
- 藥劑師會就自我健康管理提供建議,例如飲食控制、預防方法、自我監測、何時進一步求醫

圖片由醫護行社區藥房提供 (網站:http://www.hia.org.hk/pharmacy/en/home-2/)

圖片由樂善堂社區藥房提供 (網站: https://www.facebook.com/loksintongcommunitypharmacy/)

圖片由香港藥學服務基金提供 (網站:http://www.pcfhk.org/en/)
When a lady presents to the pharmacist with red and dry skins with mild peeling in her hands, the pharmacist would evaluate her condition and recommend the most appropriate initial self-management. For instance, if the pharmacist finds that the lady is a housewife who always handles household chemicals, the pharmacist will offer management and advice that are appropriate for irritant contact dermatitis.
The pharmacist would also explain the cause of condition and suggest possible lifestyle modifications, e.g. wearing gloves when handling chemicals to prevent further irritation. The pharmacist would also provide guidance on the selection of skin emollient that contains minimal irritants such as fragrance.
If the lady is bothered by the symptoms, the pharmacist would check if she is suitable for management with medication. Or if the lady is presenting with any signs of more serious conditions, such as infection, the pharmacist would refer her to seek medical attention.
The minor ailment management service offers affordable and accessible professional advice on the appropriate initial management for various health problems. The service also empowers the client with knowledge and confidence to handle the same health condition if it occurs again.
- 提升市民的自我健康管理能力,並向他們及其家庭提供合適的健康支援
- 減輕社區的醫療及藥物相關的財政負擔
- 鼓勵市民善用公共基層醫療服務及資源
- 透過藥劑師在社區藥房的初步評估,加強「病人分流在社區」的概念,讓小病留在社區跟進及處理

圖片由醫護行社區藥房提供 (網站:http://www.hia.org.hk/pharmacy/)