How could pharmacists support smoking cessation?
Pharmacists could promote smoking cessation via workshops, talks and social media platforms. For individuals in need, pharmacists could perform general assessment for individuals (e.g. smoking habit, medical and drug history), provide support, counselling and lifestyle advice (e.g. stress management).
If applicable, pharmacists could provide withdrawal symptoms management, drug treatment and follow-up consultation, as well as appropriate referral to other health providers (e.g. mental health services).
Service targets
This service targets current smokers and their caregivers.
Service aims and objectives
- To support and empower smokers and boost personal responsibility to improve their health condition and quality of life.
- To protect people in the community from health risks associated with secondhand smoke.
- To reduce smoke related financial burden on current smokers, healthcare system and the society.
Expected outcomes
Individuals would be aware of the benefits of quitting smoking on individuals’ and their family’s health and quality of life. They would also acquire essential knowledge and be capable of making their own decision on reducing the frequency of/quitting smoking.
For those who decide to quit smoking, they would learn about various methods and skills (e.g. to gain support from family and to use a rewarding approach) to increase successful rates on quitting smoking.